
Your Publisher in Japan

We have over a decade of experience developing and publishing our own titles in Japan, with tens of millions of downloads, spin-off anime and theatre productions, participation in events and expos both at home and overseas, and so much more. We now want to use this experience to help developers around the world break into the challenging Japanese market, offering a range of publishing solutions to meet their needs.

  • Translation & Localization
  • Culturalization Consulting
  • Server Management
  • Planning & Live Ops
  • Customer Support
  • Marketing & Promotion

Fine-tune your game to fit the Japanese market.

We provide high quality 
publishing services        

Drawing on years of experience, hundreds of staff and a great many connections with gaming media outlets, we can ensure that your title sees incredible success in a market that can be difficult for overseas developers to approach without the right advice and support.

Translation & Localization

Having produced our own English-language versions of our most popular Japanese titles, we understand the importance of quality localization. Our experienced team of dedicated Japanese/English translators will ensure not only that your game is understood, but that it also reads naturally to a native-speaking audience.

Server Infrastructure

Expanding a game internationally brings a need to expand structurally, too. We can provide and manage dedicated game servers here in Japan to help your title run as smooth as possible with high connection and download speeds.

Customer Support

Our dedicated Debug & Support branch office in Okinawa has highly trained Japanese and English speaking staff working around the clock to ensure all players' voices are heard and issues are fixed in a polite and efficient manner, contributing to the high review rating of our apps.

 Check our full service
 documentation for more details

Our Work, Our Passion

With offices located around Asia and a total staff nearing 300, we are able to use our own in-house resources for every aspect of development. From initial conception, to programming and artwork, through to post-release management and promotion, everything is carried out by dedicated teams of professionals without any outsourcing or handing-off.

We are proud to employ the very same teams and invest the very same passion that we have for our own titles in yours, too. Your game will be treated as one of our own and worked on with the same level of care and dedication we would attribute to an in-house creation.

This also allows us to keep our costs to a minimum while still offering you a high quality of service. Translation, localization, consulting, planning - all of it offered to you at no extra cost, through revenue share payment models that we can adjust to fit your needs.

Trust in us and we'll trust in you.

Our Typical Contract



We will take care of localization, culturalization consulting, server management, planning, customer support, marketing and promotion. What we require from you is the provision of game assets and to make programming adjustments, with the aim of tweaking the game to best fit the Japanese market and thus maximize the potential return.


Revenue Share

Exact rates will be decided on a case-by-case basis, varying by estimated workloads and similar factors, but we will always aim to reach as close to even a split as possible. However, we are always open to discussion with regards to our contracts, and in certain cases minimum guarantees or post-release promotion plans may be provided.

Our Team

We host a diverse team of talented, native professionals
specialized in each of the various services that we offer.

Caitlin Rusch

Translation Director

Japan has given so many amazing games to the world, so let's give them some back. I can help you do that!

Rin Kan

Chinese Translator

Why not show your amazing games to Japan? We're here and we're waiting for you!

Yumi Matsuda

Japanese Translator

All games have their own world and stories to tell. I'll help you deliver yours to gamers in Japan!


Pitch your ideas or ask any questions about our service using the contact details below.

Company Name

Ambition Co., Ltd.

Contact Us

TEL: +81-3-5960-0575


[Tokyo Headquarters]
3F (Reception) /
13F NBF Ikebukuro East Bldg.,
3-4-3 Higashi-Ikebukuro,
Tokyo 170-0013 Japan

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